Sclerotherapy Procedures


To minimizing bruising, consider discontinuing Asprin, Vitamin E, Fish Oil 7 days prior to your appointment, of course if these are recommended by your physician we recommend seeking their approval prior to stopping. Avoid Alcohol intake for 1-2 days prior to your appointment.

Day of Procedure

Please try and arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment or earlier if you need to have an anesthetic agent prior to your procedure.

Post Procedure

After treatment, patients are asked to begin wearing compression stockings immediately and to continue to do so for one week. Prescriptions for compression, stockings are typically written during the consultation visit. Normal daily activities can begin immediately after the treatment, although some restrictions will be in place to ensure the best cosmetic result.

Side effects of the treatment include: swelling, bruising, itching and occasionally hyperpigmentation. All of these are temporary and will resolve with time. The discomfort associated with the procedure lasts only as long as the procedure takes to perform, usually 20-30 minutes.